Investigate the efficacy of Radioderm® Spray in preventing, delaying or minimizing the incidence of radio-induced cutaneous erythema in women who have undergone irradiation of the breast.
Investigate the efficacy of Radioderm® Spray in preventing, delaying or minimizing the incidence of radio-induced cutaneous erythema in women who have undergone irradiation of the breast.
Total: 100 patients were randomized in 2 groups: Radioderm Spray (53 patients) vs. placebo (47 patients)
Cutaneous toxicity was evaluated. Patients were also given a questionnaire on quality of life and on the cosmetic outcome.
Radioderm ® Sprey’in meme ışınlaması geçirmiş kadınlarda radyo kaynaklı kutanöz eritem insidansını önleme, geciktirme veya en aza indirmedeki etkinliğini araştırın .
Toplam: 100 hasta 2 gruba randomize edildi: Radioderm Spray (53 hasta) ve plasebo (47 hasta)
Deri toksisitesi değerlendirildi. Hastalara ayrıca yaşam kalitesi ve kozmetik sonuçlar hakkında bir anket verildi.
• Appearence of G1 cutaneous erythema in patient treated with Radioderm® Spray occurred at the 18th session on average compared to those treated with placebo (12th session on average).
• Radioderm® Spray helped delay the appearence of G1 cutaneous toxicity.